Our New Seasonal Coffees!

Our latest batch of seasonal coffees have arrived for a limited time only! Every quarter we have a new range out, with our latest limited offerings - to ensure you don't miss out be sure to sign up for our newsletter where we'll notify you of additions to our product range and other offers. You can sign up to this by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking "Newsletter Signup".
This batch has three different coffees available in both a pre-ground and whole bean form.
The first coffee we have is our Festive Blend made up of two distinctly flavoured coffees from Monte Sión, El Salvador and Sumatra, Indonesia.
Our first coffee originates from the Monte Sión Estate, El Salvador. Set up by the Urrutía family in 1906, it is still run today by Dr. Luis Urrutía and his wife. Monte Sión is dedicated to not only growing great coffee, but to social implications as well and was recognized by the United Nations for combating poverty in El Salvador. Secondly, located at the northwest tip of the Sumatran Island, we have the Gayo Lauser Antara Co-operative. Recently founded in 2015, the Cooperative was formed due to a strong desire to improve the welfare of members towards a more decent life.
The combination of these two coffees yields a truly festive blend with notes of winter fruit and cardamom, complemented with a hint of vanilla. With a medium body this coffee provides a satisfying richness without overwhelming the palate.
Altitude - 1400-1600 metres above sea level
Notes - Cardamom, Rhubarb, Raspberry, Hint of Vanilla
Beans - SOLD OUT
Pre-ground - SOLD OUT
The second coffee we have is our Sumatra Coffee - located at the northwest tip of the Sumatran Island, farmers that cultivate this coffee are organised around the Gayo Lauser Antara Cooperative, a recent initiative founded in 2015. The cooperative was formed due to a strong desire to improve the welfare of members towards a more decent life. With the best quality coffee produced by members, the cooperative seeks to improve their economic conditions. With a heavy body this coffee gives an all round spice, with notes of chocolate, liquorice, and a hint of malt.
Altitude - 1400-1600 metres above sea level
Notes - All Spicy, Chocolate, Hint of Malt, Liquorice, Heavy Body
Beans - 103-405
Pre-ground - 103-425
The third coffee we have is our Colombian Coffee - the Association of Women Coffee Growers of Mesones and La Florida (AMUCAFLOME) is located in the municipality
of Ortega, in the department of Tolima. This association is made up of 15 female coffee farmers who live in the Florida and Mesones hamlets. This community of women is very diverse, including single mothers and indigenous council members. Thirty percent of them have completed high school, while 70% have only had access to primary education. These women work diligently in all aspects of farm work and aspire to have their contributions recognized within the coffee industry. This coffee has a medium to heavy body. It has an acidic sweetness likened to raspberry and quince, which is complemented by the musky and floral sweetness of violet. Notes of dark chocolate are also present.
Altitude - 1400-2200 metres above sea level
Notes - Raspberry, Violet, Quince, Delicate Spice and Dark Chocolate
Beans - SOLD OUT
Pre-ground - 103-424